I am excited to announce Ebony and her babies are now a family of 4!
Ebony delivered her 3 precious babies this past Sunday into the early hours of Monday! I was honored to be with her through the entire delivery! Ebony is a young cat (approximately 5 months old), but she instantly became the nurturing mother we all knew she would be.
Ebony had 2 ultrasounds before her delivery which both indicated she had 5 maybe 6 kittens. So, when Ebony stopped at 3 kittens, we were naturally concerned. I took Ebony and her 3 newborn kittens to the vet to discover that Ebony had only been carrying 3 precious kittens the entire time! Apparently, this can be a common situation with ultrasounds & x-rays due to overlapping or a mirroring effect. Either way, we were all relieved that Ebony and her kittens were healthy!
I am happy to report that momma is doing well and all 3 babies are eating plenty and gaining weight! Ebony absolutely loves her babies and is in complete bliss being a mom! Congratulations Ebony!!
Thank you to MomaKat Rescue and Riverview Animal Clinic for taking wonderful care of Ebony and her babies!
She’s young to be in the situation to have kittens. So glad she and her kittens are beautiful and healthy . We’ve rescued animals as well. Spay and neutering is a kind practice as well. I wish you and them many years to share together. There’s nothing like a purring motorboat next to your ear. Long and healthy lives. Meow ???? meow ❤️️
Thank you! Ebony is my current foster cat through MomaKat Rescue. A kind person found Ebony & rescued her as a pregnant stray before she delivered her kittens outside. Ebony will be spayed before she is adopted & all of her kittens will eventually be spayed or neutered. Ebony is a sweetheart, and I will enjoy her purring motorboat until she finds her forever family as well as her kittens. ❤️
Fortunately, my furry family members, Ranger & Marmalade (both adopted & neutered/spayed) keep my heart from breaking when it is time to say goodbye to my foster kitties!