May 1, 2001 – April 5, 2017
Cooper will always be our furry feline family member. We had Cooper since he was 8 weeks old. Cooper was our constant reminder of love and strength.
Cooper had a beautiful life, yet Cooper fought and earned the title of one tough kitty.
Cooper battled aggressive urinary blocks which resulted in an extensive surgery and very long recovery.
He faced hyperthyroidism and handled the treatment with patience. The treatment was a success, and Cooper was free of hyperthyroidism.
Cooper also had his spleen and part of his pancreas removed due to a pre-cancerous tumor. Another extensive surgery and long recovery! Once again, Cooper recovered through his gentle strength.
Cooper challenged through seizures and weeks of testing to determine he had epilepsy. Once treatment began, Cooper never had a another seizure.
Cooper later was diagnosed kidney disease, but we were able to manage is kidney functions after working diligently to get his levels to a safe place. He patiently dealt with the many vet checkups that come with kidney disease.
Cooper was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and rallied from an exploratory surgery to determine the extent of the disease. He went through 7 weeks of chemotherapy and handled every bit of the treatment like a champ. Unfortunately, we were unable to beat pancreatic cancer. We let Cooper go after it was clear that there was nothing left to do to alleviate the effects of the cancer. Cooper passed away less than one month from his 16th birthday.
This blog started with the inspiration of Cooper, and will continue in memory of Cooper. Although Cooper is no longer with us, he will always be with us in spirit and forever in my heart.