Calling all cabbage lovers! All of the non-cabbage lovers, you might want to check this recipe out too! There are not too many vegetables that I don’t like. Now cabbage is not necessarily on the top of my favorite vegetables, but that was before I roasted it. Love it!!! I follow the motto that if you don’t like a vegetable try roasting it before you write it off completely. Roasted cabbage is a perfect example.
I am sure many of us have had boiled cabbage in some shape or form. I don’t mind boiled cabbage as long as it is seasoned really good. As for roasted cabbage, just add some salt, pepper, minced garlic and olive oil or butter and the oven will bring out the most delicious flavor and wonderful texture!
My favorite part of the roasted cabbage are the slightly charred and crispy edges. But don’t worry when that happens. The inner layers of the cabbage are soft and moist.
Roasted Cabbage
- 1 head cabbage
- 3 garlic cloves minced
- 3 T olive oil or melted butter
- Salt & ground black pepper to taste
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
- Cut the cabbage in 1/4 inch thick circles and place on baking sheet.
- Add the garlic to the olive oil or melted butter. Stir.
- Brush the garlic oil or garlic butter all over the tops of the cabbage circles.
- Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
- Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until the sides and tops start to brown.
- Enjoy!
Decided to try with our evening meal. Wow!! Totally a different taste to cabbage. Glad I tried this.
Tabsandtidbits you are my go to blog for interesting receipies. Cooper is a delight. I love Tabby Tuesday.
I am so happy you tried it! Thank you for the kind words! I appreciate your support.
Sure will try this soon
Thank you! I hope you like it as much as I do!