I am so happy to share with you another month of my current favorites, new discoveries, and oldies but goodies! None of these items are sponsored. I paid for each and every item, and I am sharing the items that I just so happen to use and call my favorites!

The Aveeno Repairing CICA Hand Mask is the answer to my over washed hands. Cooking in the kitchen and taking care of foster kitties both require a lot of hand washing, so I need an extra boost of moisture. After using this hand mask, my hands feel soft and smooth. I especially love the under $5.00 price tag!

The Aveeno Repairing CICA Foot Mask is a must for me, especially in the winter months. Getting a pedicure is nice, but that is a time-consuming luxury that I don’t get to do on a regular basis. This foot mask is a fantastic option to keep my feet smooth and moisturized!

I recently tried Snack Factory’s Pretzel Crisps Dark Chocolate Crunch, and I am hooked! I am usually a milk chocolate fan, but I am trying to open my horizon to the dark chocolate world. These did not disappoint. The salty thin pretzel and chocolate ratio is perfection in my book!!

Being a vegetarian, I have to take B-12 supplements. Vegan and vegetarian diets are at a higher risk of becoming deficient in B-12 levels since most sources of B-12 are primarily found in meats and fish. Unfortunately, many supplements are not vegan/vegetarian-friendly. I discovered Hum Nutrition which primarily provides vegan & vegetarian-friendly supplements. Hum Nutrition’s B-12 Turbo is vegan-friendly and easy to swallow. It is small but effective. You can try Hum Nutrition’s B-12 Turbo as well as many of their other supplements for $10 off your first qualifying purchase with my referral code 17E029.
I enjoy seeing your new discoveries each month.