I thought it would be appropriate to make my first post on Tabs and Tidbits about our cat Cooper. Cooper is our 14 year old tabby cat. He is an only cat in our home, and he would not have it any other way. He gets doted on (all 19 pounds of him), fed without having to share, and can choose any of the million of cat beds in the house. Strangely enough, he would rather sleep on the sofa, our big bed, ottoman, middle of the floor and so on. I am not sure why we keep buying those cute little pet beds. I think Cooper thinks his beds are delivered from the furniture company! Oh well. Cooper keeps our home warm, cozy and extra special, so we will share our furniture or maybe it’s theother way around. Cooper has been with us through the best and worst times. When the great news was delivered Cooper has been there with his wide eyes and whiskers. When devasting news came, Cooper has been there with his meows and cuddles. Cooper has also had his share of good and bad times that we have carried him through. Cooper has had several health scares over his 14 years, but Cooper has pulled through each one. Although Cooper has fought through each ordeal, I cannot stress enough how his veterinarian has made it possible to live the life he has. There are good veterinarians, and then there are extraordinary veterinarians. (We won’t get into the terrible veterinarians in this post. But they do exist, and I have unfortunately have dealt with a few.) Cooper’s veterinarian for the last 7 years is extraordinary. I won’t get into Cooper’s numerous vet stories now, but I will share them with you from time to time. In the meantime, Cooper and I welcome you to Tabs and Tidbits. Thank you for stopping by. We hope you will enjoy what we share.
Oh! By the way, today is Cooper’s birthday! Fourteen years ago, my husband and I brought Cooper home with us. Happy Birthday Cooper!
Linda says
Nice to meet Cooper!
Dayna says
Thank you!!