Welcome to another Feline Friday! Some of you are already aware that my current foster cat, named Ebony, delivered three healthy and beautiful kittens. We have named these 5 week old kittens. Without further ado, meet Ebony’s babies!
Buster was the first born, but the smallest of the three. His size does not stop him at all. Buster is the bravest and most adventurous of his siblings. He wants to see what you are up to at all times. He is the first to greet me at the door, and he follows me anywhere I go. He will crawl up your leg, or crawl in your lap! Nothing stops Buster!
Babs was the second born, and she is the only girl of the kittens. Babs just so happens to be the biggest of the group, yet she was the most reserved of the three until recently. He personality has really shined. She can handle her brothers likes no one’s business. She is a precious sweetheart, but she also knows when to hold her ground. No one messes with Babs!
Pepe was the final kitten born. He is the most playful of the bunch! Pepe will even go after his mom’s feet or tail trying to get her to play, and she is happy to oblige. PePe keeps me laughing with his goofiness and absolutely adorable energy! PePe is always looking for his next play!
Ebony’s babies will soon be available fo pre-adoption through MomaKat Rescue. In the meatime, I am going to soak in every precious moment with Ebony and her babies!
Adorable babies.
Thank you!! ❤️