We are fresh in the new year, but I want to look back to Cooper in December. I am letting Cooper take over the looking back series. From now on, you will be getting Cooper’s perspective. Without further ado, Cooper presents his December!
My December was fun! I always love when the Christmas tree is up, and I really like chewing on the tree and the bows on the presents under the tree. My mom kept moving the tree limbs and covering up the bows so I could not get to them. I don’t understand why. It’s fun! I do it more just to get her attention, and it works every time!
I did not have to go the vet before Christmas!!! But I saw my mom email my doctor. Apparently, they were discussing my “conditions”. My doctor increased the dosage of one of my medications to see if it would help, but it did not help. I know I am having some problems in my litter box, but I still did not want to go to the vet. My mom always tells me that they just want to make me feel better. I know, but I still don’t like it. I stopped hiding under the bed when it was time to go to the vet because my mom knows how to move the bed! I did not know that she could move that big bed. I thought that was a great cover, but apparently, she is more stubborn than me. She did tell me that she would walk on fire for me, so I guess I am not surprised.
My mom broke the news to me that I would need an ultrasound since I was not getting any better. She told me that they would let me take a nap while they did that ultrasound. I was still nervous, but the techs and doctors were very nice to me even though I still gave them a hard time. After the ultrasound, my mom picked me up, but she seemed worried. More than the times before. The doctor was waiting for some tests, and they were concerned over a lot of lymph nodes. Well, the results came back worse than they had hoped. My doctor referred me to a veterinarian specialists that will look at my intestines and see if they can remove part of my intestines and reattach the healthy intestines. My mom has heard words like lymphoma to carcinoma. She seems really stressed, but she is taking, even more, special care of me. She told me that come hell or high water, she would leave no stone unturned for me. Even though I am not a fan of cuddles, I want to make my mom feel better, so I have been snuggling next to her since she seems really sad. She seems happier when I do that!
So, my December was nice for the most part. I am bummed about having to go see a specialist and maybe have another surgery, but my doctor and mom have always made the best decisions for me. I probably would not be here today, if they did not take measures that they have in the past. My mom has to have another knee surgery a week after I might have surgery, so she told me that we would heal together and snuggle even more!
My mom will keep you all posted on how things turn out. In the meantime, I am going to get back to my cat naps!
Just love the presentation. Special Mr Cooper.
Thank you!!