Two weeks ago, I shared the wonderful news that Ebony (my current foster cat) delivered her three precious kittens! Mom and her babies are all healthy and absolutely wonderful!
Please excuse the lighting in the pictures. Momma Ebony insisted that her babies remain in the closet on a plush and soft cat bed. The closet has no lighting, so I had to improvise to capture these precious and absolutely adorable kittens!
We don’t have names just yet, but there are two boys and one girl! All threes are tuxedos!
All three babies are gaining the proper weight each and every day. Momma Ebony is eating like the super mom she is and making sure her babies get all of the milk, cleaning, sleep, and love they deserve.
Once Ebony’s kittens are weaned, she will be spayed. Ebony will be able to live out her kitten years as a kitten and be loved and cherished by her future forever family! In the meantime, I am so happy to watch in awe the amazing Ebony and to experience her kittens blossom into their own!
Thank you MomaKat Rescue and Riverview Animal Clinic! Ebony and her kittens have a future of love, safety, and good health thanks to you!
I love all the kitty stories you share. Bless your heart and your soul.